Solution for Prestige Covention Center with cold storage services

We provide solution for one of the prestige convention center in Malaysia for portable cold room services. Customer was having repair schedule for their cold room and decide to hire our services for the portable cold room services. Their chief team are very satisfied with our product and it is easy to use and operate. SPRO continues to support in term of product training and services to help ease their operation and quality.

ArcticStore supply to Famous Hypermarket

We recently provide temporary solutions for hypermarkets by providing rental of our 2 unit 20ft ArcticStore while our cold room is under maintenance or repair. The rental take two weeks on hire and we SPRO willing to offer our help in a short term notice and short term rental period. Our customer manage to store and transfer all their remaining stocks and products from their cold room into our ArcticStore before the repair/maintenance of cold starts.